[Framers] Perpetual Newbie Question #1

Fred Ridder DocuDoc at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 8 07:01:24 PDT 2018

Because I don't want *any* software to be making permanent changes to the formatting of documents that someone else may have carefully designed without at least warning me. If I were the only person who ever worked on every document that crosses my screen, this would not be an issue because everything would have been under my control at every step. But in the real world, nearly everything I work on has been the result of collaboration with other contributors.

Say I wrote and formatted a draft version of a chapter that used a relatively obscure condensed font inside a very dense table. I then send that chapter to another writer for some additions or editing, and that person has the "remember missing font names" option turned off. When I get the file back, all the carefully tweaked tables will now be broken because their FrameMaker installation has "helpfully" performed an arbitrary and *permanent* font replacement for the special font that allowed me to cram everything into the tables. At that point I'd be pretty steamed because someone has just cost me a chunk of my time for no good reason.


From: Framers <framers-bounces+docudoc=hotmail.com at lists.frameusers.com> on behalf of Doug <dbailey4117 at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 7:11 AM
To: An email list for people using Adobe FrameMaker software.
Subject: Re: [Framers] Perpetual Newbie Question #1


Why is  "Remember missing font names" being turned on a very good thing?
Just curious.


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