[Framers] Are "point-pages" still in use?

Klaus Daube klaus at daube.ch
Tue Aug 14 12:41:35 PDT 2018

Dear all,

In one of my older documents about FM I see a section about "point-pages":
- FM function Freeze Pagination and Unfreeze (limited functionality)
- Reference to Rick Quatro's plug-ins PointPages and PrintingPointPages with detailed 
documentation how to use. Nothing of this is left on Ric's site.

For online-documentation there is no need for such a mechanism, because an updated 
version of a long document can be published without ruining the forests.

But IMHO there are still paper demanding situations of thick manuals, which can not 
be re-distributed as a whole for every update.

How are such situations handled nowadays?

Klaus Daube             Phone:  +41-44-381 37 77
Schäracher 11           Mail:   klaus at daube.ch
CH-8053 Zürich          Web:    www.daube.ch

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