[Framers] Are "point-pages" still in use?

Carol J. Elkins celkins at awrittenword.com
Tue Aug 14 13:09:01 PDT 2018

Hi Klaus,

I continue to use point pages and Rick's plug-ins to maintain them. 
Point pages are critical to a couple of rail industry books that I 
manage that govern how trains are operated in interchange. One book 
is updated quarterly; the other every six months. Pagination must be 
kept frozen between the annual releases of these books. Although they 
are available as a PDF download, the changed pages in the interim 
releases are printed in hardcopy and mailed to subscribers. If 
changes to a page cause text to reflow to an extent that creates a 
new page, then I must create point pages for those pages. For those 
who have never heard of such a thing, point pages are decimal-defined 
pages that are inserted between regular pages. For example, pages 
102, 103, 104, 104.1, 104.2, 105, 106.


At 01:41 PM 8/14/2018, Klaus Daube wrote:
>In one of my older documents about FM I see a section about "point-pages":
>- FM function Freeze Pagination and Unfreeze (limited functionality)
>- Reference to Rick Quatro's plug-ins PointPages and 
>PrintingPointPages with detailed
>documentation how to use. Nothing of this is left on Ric's site.
>For online-documentation there is no need for such a mechanism, 
>because an updated
>version of a long document can be published without ruining the forests.
>But IMHO there are still paper demanding situations of thick 
>manuals, which can not
>be re-distributed as a whole for every update.
>How are such situations handled nowadays?

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