[Framers] FrameMaker to DITA xrefs

Rick Quatro rick at rickquatro.com
Mon Dec 10 08:34:08 PST 2018

Hi All,

I am structuring some FrameMaker content to DITA and trying to save an XML
file. Initially, my <fm-xref> elements were getting dropped until I
discovered this R/W rule:

fm element "fm-xref" drop; 

I replaced it with this:

element "xref" is fm cross-reference element "fm-xref";

Now I get the <xref> elements, but they are invalid because they look like

<xref  format="FigureCaption" xtrf="FigureCaption" idref="i765173">

The message I get at the FrameMaker console is this:

Error at line 768, char 54, Message: expected end of tag 'xref'

I am content with getting <fm-xref> elements in my output because I am
transforming the files with XSLT anyway, but how do I ensure that these tags
are properly closed? Any help would be appreciated.


Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.
rick at frameexpert.com

Save on energy at quatro.mystream.com

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