[Framers] FM2019 Volume and Chapter Numbering

ideaslists at ideastraining.com ideaslists at ideastraining.com
Sat Jan 4 15:14:55 PST 2020

Just to clarify when I said "unnecessary" in Frame--I meant for MY workflow
experience. I like all my numbering schemes to be labeled independent of
each other--it keeps the code simpler for each style and it makes it easier
to add deeper levels to each style group.

I label my tables and figures separately, T: and F: respectively, so I don't
need the space holders. Also, I label only my headings with the H: label, so
I can look at the style names to know how many levels there are. (As
mentioned, the Chapter doesn't really matter if it is labeled or not since
it only has the chapnum code.) My internal numbered lists are typically N:
and Step lists are usually S:. 

I've seen templates using an "all-in-one" numbering scheme that had about
20-odd placeholders for various numbering schemes throughout the book with
no information as to what each place is actually used for. It made adding in
new heading levels a real PIA.

I didn't mean to denigrate anybody's workflow. There is nothing technically
wrong with either system, but I personally feel that trouble-shooting
separately labeled number groups is a lot easier.

Dave Creamer
IDEAS Training

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