[Framers] Finding an imported graphic of a specific type

tammyvb at spectrumwritingllc.com tammyvb at spectrumwritingllc.com
Wed Dec 29 13:49:50 PST 2021

Hi All,


I won't bore you w/ all the reasons why, but in a guide that I am currently
writing, I need to be able to find all the imported graphics that are a PNG.
I know how to find all the imported graphics by searching for a marker type,
but that obviously gives me all types of imported graphics, regardless of
the format (and I have PDFs and PNGs), and I need to specifically search
only for PNGs and there are HUNDREDS of graphics in this guide. 


What am I missing or is this even possible?






Tammy Van Boening

Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com



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