[Framers] Unlearn FM 7.2

Steve Rickaby srickaby at wordmongers.com
Wed Jun 2 11:23:11 PDT 2021

Not related to your tiresome problem, which I wish I could help with, but perhaps an amusing anecdote...

When I worked as a system manager in the early 1980s, I introduced the then-revolutionary idea of word processing for report writing to our department, in this case on a Helwett Packard 100 Series minicomputer that had previously only been thought suitable for instrumentation control and data analysis.

The idea proved a great time-saver, even though documents were output via an incredibly noisy daisywheel printer that was unfortunately in the same room as me. However, anyone using the software had the ability to add unrecognised words to the global dictionary. As we used a lot of technical terms, this was vital.

Our secretary, who did most of the report entry, was a comely girl of broad South Gloucestershire stock with what's best described as a 'creative' approach to English spelling. I soon realised that one of my routine end-of-week maintenance tasks was to diff that's week's global dictionary with my master copy and weed out or correct all the horrors. 

It took quite a lot of my time.


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