[Framers] XML Application "x" does not exist

cuc tu cuc2u at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 2 08:16:39 PDT 2022

Hi All,

Rick and Lynne helped me a while back on XSLT for reading an XML file into a structured application. I could not get it to work because of the application definitions had errors. I think I still have some errors in the structapps file declaring this application. When saving the EDD as a DTD, I get the error message in the subject line. Am I missing something or have something improperly defined?

Application name: XSLT-sample
DOCTYPE:    ScpiParser
Template:   C:\FMStructure\eclipse\XSLT-Sample-Template.fm
DTD:  C:\FMStructure\eclipse\XSLT-Sample.dtd
XSLT Preferences: 
Stylesheet: C:\FMStructure\eclipse\XSLT-Sample-In.xsl
Stylesheet: C:\FMStructure\eclipse\XSLT-Sample-Out.xsl
Entity locations
Public ID:  //c2/xslt-sample/ScpiParser
Filename:  C:\FMStructure\eclipse\XSLT-Sample.dtd

The translation is to simply convert all element attributes to child elements since all content is in an attribute, and that translation works. All child elements now have data, but I do not want some of those elements to show. I've tried to make them as an Index or add an exclusion to the element. What usually happens is the content either comes out of the element tags or there is a missing end tag. Is there a way to toss the element data into some non-printing state?

Element (Marker): ClassName
Initial marker type
In all contexts.
Use marker type: Index

Thanks, C2

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