
Peter Gold peter at
Mon Apr 3 11:58:34 PDT 2006

At 10:30 AM -0700 4/3/06, Scott Prentice wrote:
>Hi Jim...
>I'd never heard of this, but it sounds worth checking out.
>I downloaded the Windows client and dropped it into the 
>fminit\Plugins folder, and get the same error message as you (this 
>is on FM7 .. I'll try it on FM6 tomorrow when I have access to 
>another system). The PDF documentation does include a blurb saying 
>that the installation just requires putting it in the Plugins folder 
>.. if the DLL is in the Plugins folder, you don't need to add a line 
>to the maker.ini.
>I'm going to try contacting the developer, and will let you know if 
>I hear back on this.

Have you checked the permissions on the .dll?

Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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