Trouble with Translated Text Insets

Jan Tharp jt_1413 at
Wed Apr 19 06:08:54 PDT 2006

  Hello Framers,
  I am knee-deep in a large FrameMaker 7.1 glossary, with nearly 1,000 text insets for the definitions. I believe the original concept was to use them as a single-source for software screen documentation. Life was a lovely until we translated the text insets into another language, requiring me to send the files away and having them opened on another computer. When the files came back from the translator, the text insets (by Reference) seem to manufacture their own link path, and thus are "unresolved." This effectively breaks the link to the text inset. 
  I tried saving the file as a MIF and editing the text inset path with a search/replace, but the file is just too big and locks up Notepad.
  Does anyone have any suggestions for either a) getting the text inset path to not change or b) globally update the path?
  I greatly appreciate your help.
  Jan Tharp
  Senior Technical Writer
  SoftBrands, Inc.

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