Variable length rule below paragraph

Alan Litchfield alan at
Thu Apr 27 15:32:10 PDT 2006

On Apr 28, 2006, at 9:56 AM, Scott Prentice wrote:

> This may be too obvious, and not customizable, but the use of a  
> Numeric Underline does basically what you're asking for (as long as  
> the line doesn't wrap).

Might have been an option if one were able to adjust the distance of  
the underline from the text.

> In addition to the table method described, I've also seen this done  
> using an anchored frame (At Insertion Point) at the end of the  
> paragraph after a soft-return (Shift+Enter) .. put your rule inside  
> the anchored frame and make it wider than you'll need, the anchored  
> frame will hide the extra. Although this is still a hack, it's very  
> easy to stretch it to fit the width of the text and you can copy  
> and paste the return+frame wherever you want.

Now that is something I had not thought of! So simple and maybe not  
elegant, it does get the text outside of a table.


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