template mapping/perl scripting questions

Steve Rickaby srickaby at wordmongers.demon.co.uk
Fri Mar 3 02:07:51 PST 2006

At 15:18 -0800 2/3/06, Elisa Sawyer wrote:

>Who knows of tools for mapping Frame paragraph styles/templates? I
>found documentation about TemaplateMapper but it looks like it's no
>longer available. what about Silicon Prairie Software's Paragraph

Hi Eliza. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by 'template mapping'. However, SiliconPrairie's Paragraph Tools plug-in can do a lot of very useful things with paragraph styles that would be very labor-intensive otherwise (as can its companion Character Tools plug-in). You can download the manuals from the SiliconPrairie website and read about the features for yourself. I find both tools extremely useful for template maintenance tasks.

No idea about perl so I cant help you there.

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