Text Inset?

Combs, Richard richard.combs at Polycom.com
Thu Jul 19 07:01:49 PDT 2007

J. Paul Kent wrote: 

> I've never used a text inset before, but I may be up against it.
> When I select Word text, I see in the Paste Special options: 
> Embedded MS Word Object and Linked MS Word Object. Would one 
> of these start me down the right track?

No. That's the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) track. Don't go there.

I've never tried importing a Word doc as a text inset (my text insets
are all FM or plain text), so I don't know if it's even possible. But to
try, put your cursor in a pgf above which you want the imported text
(but make sure the cursor isn't at the end of the pgf; there should be
at least a space to the right). Then, select File > Import > File (or
press Esc f i f). In the Import dialog select the Word file, select
Import By Reference, and click Import.

I'm assuming that the Word version has to be maintained. If not, you
might want forego the text inset -- select Copy Into Document and just
clean up and maintain it in FM.

Depending on your FM and Word versions, importing the file may or may
not work. If FM doesn't have a filter for the Word version you've got,
try saving the Word doc as RTF or an earlier version and importing that.

Another option, quick and dirty: Create a PDF of the Word doc. In
Acrobat, crop the PDF to get rid of headers, footers, and enough of the
margins to let you import the PDF pages into your FM pages. Then do the
File > Import > File thing and select the PDF. A dialog lets you pick a
page, and it's imported into an anchored frame. You can play with that
to make the PDF page look right in your empty FM doc. Repeat for each
additional PDF page. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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