ePublisher question

Zoe Lawson messalina17 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 26 20:17:31 PDT 2007

Look for the wwp-users yahoo group (http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/wwp-users/?yguid=70338513). 

It's taken me a bit to comprehend the ePP Formats, Targets and sundry directories.

Format = changes to  whatever the base help is you're using (i.e. CHM vs WWH)

Targets = changes to your specific output. e.g. I have a help and a knowledgebase both based off of WebWorks Help 5.0. However, I want the look and feel for each to be different. Therefore I have two directories in my Target directory, one for each type of output. 

If I am making a change to BOTH my outputs, I do it in the Format/WebWorks Help 5.0 directory. Changes to specific to output, I put in the Target/Help or Target/Knowledgebase directories as appropriate.

I started playing with a skin with my knowledgebase, and have had success making my changes in the Target directory. (I"m not on my work computer so I can't give you a directory structure right now.

What specifically are you trying to do?



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