OT: Tech Writers & Wikis

Steve Rickaby srickaby at wordmongers.demon.co.uk
Mon Mar 19 06:35:03 PDT 2007

At 05:05 -0700 19/3/07, Whites wrote:

>Back in the old days we were taught to use different relative pronouns for persons and things.  To my ancient ears "writers that use Wikis" is just slovenly English.  Still, it's better than "writers what use Wikis", but I would expect "writers who use Wikis" from an aspiring writer.

My apologies: I was looking at your quote assuming that it was a quote of the original, and I didn't look at the original. Yes, completely agree with you. I had anticipated a difference between US and UK usage, and as I have to use both, I'm always interesting in learning.


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