radical revamping of techpubs

Chris Borokowski athloi at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 30 09:12:33 PDT 2007

This statement makes the most sense when considered in the light of how
the technology industry has expanded. We now have many small roles
contributing to a project or part of one, but what's missing is people
who can glue it all together according to some consistent idea. Making
the product work for the user is one such idea, and TWs are the best
suited toward that role.

Coincidentally, manuals are decreasing in importance as users know more
about the technology. WTFM (write the fine manual) isn't going to cut
it any more, and there's new ground to conquer. It'll be fun, honest.

--- Rene Stephenson <rinnie1 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>   Creating user assistance is indeed a necessary task, but it is only
> one of many that TWs perform. User advocacy — getting the user
> expectations back up the chain into the ears of those who can impact
> what the users end up getting — is at least as important as the more
> common task of user assistance. If all the user needs is assistance,
> they'll just ring off the hook with tech support or customer service.
> User advocacy ensures higher quality products that lower call volume
> to tech support and customer service. 

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