FrameScript Question - Open File

Boone Severson severson at
Thu Jul 10 21:48:08 PDT 2008

Hi all,


FrameMaker 8.0 on WinXP SP2, freshly registered copy of FrameScript 5.1


I've been a FrameScript user for about 3 hours now, and I'm working on a learning the language to write a batch script that will take the files given on the command line with many -a"" and save-as XML (I then move the XML over to a Linux box and parse to generate API code). As one could imagine out of a first-timer, I'm borrowing heavily out of scripts like SampleScripts\DirSaveAsMif.fsl.


Anyway, I'm opening each file to be saved-as-XML with the following code:


Open Document File(pvDocFileName) Invisible FileIsOldVersion FontNotFoundInDoc(OK) OpenDocViewOnly(True) AlertUserAboutFailure(False) FontChangedMetric(OK) FontNotFoundInCatalog(OK) FontNotFoundInDoc(OK) UpdateXRefs(No) UseAutoSaveFile(No) UseRecoverFile(No) NewVar(lvDocVar);


I've attempted to do away with all font-not-found and file-is-not-writable warnings to keep a batch script from popping up FM dialog boxes and waiting for user input. However, there's 2 styles of warnings that I cannot avoid: **Paragraph tag "CellBody" is not in the Paragraph Catalog. Add it? [Yes] [No].** The other warning refers to a missing Character in the Catalog, with a similar prompt. 


Perhaps the ultimate solution is to check out the document and fix its Paragraph and Character catalogs, but I'm hoping to make this script ride through these types of errors. FYI: These files are all edited by different people so little problems are bound to show up from time-to-time, and ultimately these warnings don't cause XML file generation to fail so I don't need to fix them immediately.


Any assistance I can get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Boone Severson

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