How FM use impacts purchasing decisions

Rene Stephenson rinnie1 at
Thu Jun 19 13:02:35 PDT 2008

I sort of stubbed my toe on another issue that's going to affect this: I have to be able to synch my calendar, contacts, and tasks to a PDA/SmartPhone. I'm beginning to think the only choice remaining is wait and pay more total for a MacBook and next generation of iPhone; or jump right away to get an XP laptop so that I can use Outlook with both the mobile device and laptop.

So, maybe FM is only one part of the consideration. I'm just too PC-dependent.  :o)

Rene L. Stephenson

----- Original Message ----
From: "McCallister, Michael (GE Healthcare, consultant)" <Michael.McCallister at>

One other possible (untested) solution: Has anyone tried running FM
under OpenSolaris? Conceivably that would work on an Intel/AMD box, and
could also work virtualized under Linux or MacOS.

FM 7.x apparently works reasonably well in Crossover Linux, the
commercial development of Wine:

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