cross references in text insets

Combs, Richard richard.combs at
Tue Mar 4 08:38:23 PST 2008

Mollye Barrett wrote:
> My results are different/vary (ugh)...
> - When I double-click and select Update, the x-refs 
> completely disappear.
> - When I double-click, go to Settings and select Retain 
> Source's Formatting, the x-refs reappear.
> - Then, when I double-click, select Update, the x-refs persist.

When you say "the x-refs completely disappear," do you mean the visual
cues (blue color and underline, or whatever) are gone? Maybe the
container document is missing the character tag that applies that
formatting, or maybe the char tag exists, but is defined wrong. Or maybe
the x-ref definition in the container document doesn't include that char
tag. For instance, if the char tag is named Xref, maybe in the text
inset source doc, the x-ref format is defined as "<Xref><$paranum>," and
in the container it's defined simply as "<$paranum>," or as
"<xref><$paranum>" (to FM, Xref and xref are different char tags).

If both the x-ref formats and the char formats are the same in the text
inset source and destination, then there should be no difference between
Retain Source's Formatting and Reformat Using Current Document's
Formats. (You didn't accidentally select Reformat as Plain Text, did

One more thing: Be aware that even after you get the x-refs working
right in FM, they won't be "live" hyperlinks in PDF -- a most annoying
bug. The workaround is cumbersome, but can be scripted: just before
creating the PDF, save all files in the book. Then convert all text
insets to text, create the PDF, and close all files without saving.


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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