Combs, Richard richard.combs at Polycom.com
Tue Sep 2 08:05:50 PDT 2008

Michael Zaichenko
> Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:48 AM
> To: FrameUsers Users
> Hello there,
> here I am, having a problem with XRefs. Here is what I'm trying to do:
> Source document has a bunch of Cross-Ref markers on different pages.
> Destination document has XReferences to the source document with a
> "Page XX".
> Everything goes fine where the markers are in a normal flow of text.
> Troubles start when the Cross-Ref marker appears inside of the table
> are anchored to blank paragraphs in a source document and are plain
> with 5 columns each and some text in each cell). When the marker is
> a paragraph in a cell, it appears as "Page Table5" in the destination
> document where "Table5" is a tag name of a table this marker is in.
> In short I get "Page TableX" instead of "Page XX".
> Does anyone know the reason for this behavior.

You get the tag name when the cross-reference format definition contains
the building block <$paratag>. It has nothing to do with tables, it's a
matter of the xref format being used.

You need to look at your cross-reference format definitions. "Page XX"
is not a format definition -- the likely definition for that
cross-reference format is (sans quotes): "Page <$pagenum>" 

Double-click an xref. In the Cross-reference dialog, click Edit Format.
Then spend some time selecting the different formats defined in your
document and looking at their definitions. If necessary, refer to the
online help or manual for explanations of the different building blocks.
It sounds like you have some issues with the xref format definitions in
your docs or with your usage of them. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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