MIF File Import

KChebe Grace kgrace4715 at aol.com
Thu May 6 13:40:11 PDT 2010

I am currently using a MIF file to make changes to a book.  I want the file to change some of my paragraph styles to small font and the color to white.  At a later point I want to have the mif file change some of my variable settings.  This would allow me to make one set of files work for multiple locations by importing a different mif file.  

The problem that I have is that when I import the mif file, which now only contains the code to change paragraph styles is overwriting the existing variables in the book.  

It is my understanding that I should be able to keep the mif file as small as possible and use it to only have code to change the things that I want to change without having to account for parameters that are not being changed.  

Can someone provide some assistance as to why this mif file is behaving this way?

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