CGM images from structured FrameMaker

Fred Wersan fwersan at
Thu Nov 18 10:15:30 PST 2010

Hi Rick,

I don't think I have exact answers for your questions, but I'll share my experience with CGM exports. I looked into this in the context of experimenting with round tripping of files from frame to XML and back. Firstly, the CGM images are lousy - far inferior to the original graphics or jpg or png. So there was no good way to round trip frame graphics without losing quality. However, I found that imported graphics - png or jpg, were referenced in the XML, so that if I round tripped and the original source graphics were still in their original location, I ended up with decent graphics. My solution for the frame graphics that I wanted was to take a screen capture of them and use that instead. Not as good as real frame graphics, but way better than the CGM.


Fred Wersan
Senior Technical Writer
68 Moulton St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
617-876-8085 x 124

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