Looking to get productive quickly

Paul Kent jopakent at comcast.net
Fri Mar 18 09:20:13 PDT 2011


I've been out of the Frame pool for the last several years. My newest gig
was advertised as primarily task based authoring (oXygen), but it turns out
there is a good deal of legacy work to be performed periodically in Frame.


They are all using 9, but I'll be using 10 and saving down to 9. In the past
I've benefited a good deal by relying on keyboard shortcuts. I just emailed
Shlomo to see if MicroType still has a product that will help out.


It looks like a good deal of my initial work is going to involve cut and
pasting content into existing Frame files. I got my feet wet yesterday, but
it seems like I'm wasting a lot of clicks/keystrokes getting a paragraph
from document A (a Man page, viewed in an HTML editor) pasted and properly
formatted into document B (an FM file).


I parse through the Man page to pick out the content I need and I paste it
into correctly styled placeholder paragraphs. If I had a quick couple of
keystrokes that would allow me to paste in the Man page content as plain
text, allowing the existing Frame styles to apply, that'd be great. 


I used to use a Macro to do this kind of thing in Word (mapped plain text
paste to Alt P). Anyone have a tip that would perform the plain text paste
in a keystroke or two? 


Yesterday I tried looking thru my maker.ini to see about re-ordering the
default priority of Paste Special (currently: RTF, Text, Unicode Text). My
thinking was that if I could set Text as the default option, then if I had a
keyboard shortcut for Paste Special, I would get a plain text paste when I
hit the shortcut followed by Enter. However, I didn't see what I was looking
for (hard to recall just WHAT I was looking for, it's been about 6 years
since the last time I did this). Any insights would be great. I'd love to
start smoking thru this task.


Thanks in advance, 






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