Pagination FM 11

Gutierrez, Anita Anita.Gutierrez at
Thu Jan 31 06:29:11 PST 2013

Hi Judy,

This is a wild guess out of nowhere. :)  Sometimes I've had "empty" pages which actually contain a tiny, invisible little text box-in other words, some object that Frame thinks it is supposed to keep. When I update the book or save the file, the empty pages remain unless I find the offending object and delete it.

If this theory is correct, when you show all conditions (making the document's content longer) the object lands within the content of your doc, so it doesn't cause the problem.  But, when you hide some conditions, the content shrinks and the little thingy is left stranded somewhere past the end-of-doc pilcrow-causing Frame to keep the pages.

To find out if this is correct, zoom out so you can see an entire Frame page.  Go to the last page and drag your mouse from upper left to lower right to select every last object on the page.  You should only see the standard elements of the master page (text flow frame, etc.).  If you see any other object besides the standard page elements, delete it. (Probably best not to delete everything on the page-just the non-standard object.)  You'll want to check all empty pages after the pilcrow, if there's more than one.

Good luck!

From: framers-bounces at [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Judy Bragg
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 6:13 AM
To: matt at
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Pagination FM 11

I really appreciate all of your input so far.  Thank you! Unfortunately, we haven't yet found the answer. I did trip over something that may "click" with someone though.

In each case, if I change the conditional settings to "Show All" and set the pagination settings to "Next Available [Page]" and "Delete Empty Pages", I don't have the blank pages at the end.  When I change the conditional settings to show only the conditions appropriate to the PDF, I get the blank pages in the FM as well as the PDF. I can see the pilcrow marking the end of the document so I don't know what FM thinks is beyond that point.

Judy Bragg

Technical Writer


On 1/30/2013 4:07 PM, Matt Sullivan wrote:
Ah, if I understand correctly, the problem is with your FM pagination settings. Your files may need to have Format > Page Layout > Pagination settings changed to Don't Change Page Count. I'm not sure whether Double or Single-Sided is best for your purposes...your mileage may vary!

[cid:C8D19345-2E6F-4A4B-9CA5-53047E8E4F86 at]


Matt Sullivan
technical communication | online training | eLearning

twitter: @mattrsullivan<>
phone: 714 960-6840

On Jan 30, 2013, at 12:48 PM, Judy Bragg <judy at<mailto:judy at>> wrote:

I know the pages won't concantenate, but I would like the blank pages @ the end of each FM to be deleted so there's no more than a partial page blank before the next Heading 1.

The reason there are so many fm's is because, when I first started out (and there's no way to know how much was user error, software or hardware limitations, but...) any file size over, I think just under 1Mb, tended to crash the system.  I'd consider combining them all now but that would break a WHOLE lot of links!  I'll think about it, but I'm too close to deadline to rearrange anything now.

(Please write faster! Waiting to see your book! ;-)  )

Judy Bragg

Technical Writer


On 1/30/2013 3:36 PM, Matt Sullivan wrote:
I see extreme page breaks (as on p177 of the PDF), but no empty pages. Are you trying to get the pages to "concatenate"?

If so, I recommend combining the files into one FM file per chapter. There's no way to have a new FM file start at the end of the previous file without creating a text inset.

The folder structure you're using in the book file is intended for sectioning and volume control, not for segmenting at the chapter level.

An interesting note: (I was just writing this up in my book today...) Right-click on the Prep folder, and notice that there is the ability to name the section (uses the $chaptertitle variable), and to indicate the template file that should be used to create the divider page within your book.


Matt Sullivan
technical communication | online training | eLearning

twitter: @mattrsullivan<>
phone: 714 960-6840

On Jan 30, 2013, at 12:11 PM, Judy Bragg <judy at<mailto:judy at>> wrote:

<2013 Release Partial2.pdf>

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