FrameMaker: mysterious font substitution in PDF

Mike Wickham info at
Fri Oct 24 09:13:47 PDT 2014

Adding to Stuart's answer, if this is a situation where Windows is 
reading a printer-resident version of Helvetica from a Postscript 
printer-- rather than using a font that is actually installed on the 
computer--, the situation is usually easily fixable. The printer 
installation disk should contain a folder that holds all the 
printer-resident fonts. You canmanually install any that you want on the 
computer and they will then be embeddable in a PDF.

There is a warning related to Helvetica, though. There is a Windows or 
Internet Explorer bug (I forget which), which causes Web pages to 
display blank if they contain Helvetica as the first listed font in CSS 
and the Postscript version of Helvetica is installed on the computer. So 
if you start seeing blank Web pages in your browser, try uninstalling 
Helvetica from your computer-- or replace it with the OpenType version.

Mike Wickham
> Are you sure the client actually has Helvetica on their system, and 
> that Adobe PDF is their default printer (at least when using FM -- see 
> Sundorne Setprint plugin)? It's possible their hardware printer is 
> reporting the presence of Helvetica to the operating system, so that 
> it appears to be present, but a printer-resident font can't be 
> embedded in PDF.

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