[Framers] structured content - not always called for

Monique Semp monique.semp at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 11 12:39:02 PDT 2016

>  when we use the term "structure/DITA", don't we give the impression that 
> structured authoring is DITA? That you can't have one without the other? 
> And that's just not true. My experience is that you can easily (well, 
> relatively easily) implement structured authoring in a tool like 
> FrameMaker, without the overhead of a full-blown DITA implementation.

Yes!! That is exactly what my presentation is about: how to implement/adopt 
some of the good things from structured authoring "and/or" DITA when you're 
using other (unstructured) tools.

So perhaps a different title would better convey the focus of the 


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