[Framers] Nice to have the List Back

Frank Stearns franks at pacifier.com
Wed Feb 3 08:59:49 PST 2016

It's great to have Framers running as it should. Thanks hosters and 

Ever since the switch to google (so THAT was the problem) ALL Framers 
posts had been labeled as spam by my ISP. I had to completely disable 
all spam filters to get any Framers posts at all, few as they were. 
And the "no filter" configuration meant some 1500+ actual spam 
email every 24 hours.

A "hello" and "nice to see you again" to all our old friends.

Frank Stearns

Frank Stearns Associates | makers of IXgen(tm) for FrameMaker(r)
*** IXGEN 7-10 for FrameMaker 10/11/12 IS HERE! ***
franks at fsatools.com <mailto:franks at fsatools.com>
1-435-275-8981  http://www.fsatools.com

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