[Framers] AUGH! I hate it when Adobe breaks existing behavior

Robert Lauriston robert at lauriston.com
Thu May 17 12:20:50 PDT 2018

The original UI makeover in FrameMaker 9 broke a lot of keyboard
shortcuts that Adobe never fixed.

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 11:34 AM, Harding, Dan <dharding at illinois.edu> wrote:
> Pardon me for the rant, but I need to vent.
> I just recently upgraded from Frame 2012 to Frame 2017 as the former doesn't work at all with high resolution displays. However, in the process I've discovered that Adobe has broken several things... and there's nothing more annoying than lazy programming.
> 1. The interface design industry has become so touch and mouse-centric, that it has forgotten to make sure things work when navigating via keyboard. When they redesigned all of the pods, no one bothered to make sure the fields and controls are in proper tab order so that one can move between them efficiently by using TAB and Alt-TAB. That's my preferred method of quick access. The tab order jumps all around the damned pods; up, down, back, there's no rhyme or reason. That's just lazy developers ignoring tab order attributes in their dev environment.
> 2. This one REALLY is annoying and is causing me all sorts of problems. Using HOME or END to jump to the beginning or end of a line USED to work correctly, meaning that it would move you to the actual beginning or end, i.e., at the beginning of the line the cursor would be placed before any markers or anchors and at the end of a line the cursor would be placed after any markers or anchors at the end of the line. That has changed so that using HOME and END now only move you to the VISUAL beginning or ends of lines. In other words, hitting HOME on a line that has markers or anchored objects at the beginning of the line will put the cursor BETWEEN the markers and the first text character, and at the end of the line, the cursor will be placed before any markers or anchors. This makes it very difficult to keep invisible stacked items on the lines they should be when editing.
> What possible advantage would this change have over the previous behavior?

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