[Framers] CMYK color matching from InDesign to Frame

ideaslists at ideastraining.com ideaslists at ideastraining.com
Mon Feb 3 13:23:12 PST 2020

Will your final product be an EPUB or PDF?
If the latter, have you exported to PDF with identical conversion settings? 
I wouldn't worry about what you see in the actual application but in the

David Creamer
IDEAS Training

I've been tasked to develop a template in Frame that uses the same CMYK
color set as a document someone else created in InDesign.  I'm seeing a big
problem here.
When I define a color in Frame by entering the CMYK code, the color that
displays on-screen isn't the same as the color in InDesign, even though the
CMYK code is identical.
However, if I enter the RGB equivalent code in Frame, the color displays
accurately on-screen (on some colors--others are still off)
In short, RGB codes in InDesign usually display the same shade in Frame, but
CMYK codes never display in Frame the same as they display in InDesign.
Can someone explain why this is happening, and what I can do to resolve it?


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