[Framers] FM2019 Volume and Chapter Numbering

Reng Winfried w.reng at carecom-solutions.com
Tue Jan 7 00:40:36 PST 2020


In a previous job the figure numbers and table numbers
were a combination of the chapter number and a running
number in this file:
Figure x-x
Table x-x

This works only, when the figure and table format use the 
same series as heading1.
This is an argument for a single all-in-one numbering scheme.
I do not use the chapnum placeholder, as I want to be free to
have several chapters in a single file.

Best regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Framers <framers-bounces+w.reng=carecom-solutions.com at lists.frameusers.com> On Behalf Of ideaslists at ideastraining.com
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 2:12 AM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Re: [Framers] FM2019 Volume and Chapter Numbering

>So, have you found any drawbacks to this approach, other than the 
of getting other users to refer to the reference page? 

The only problem I've run into is when an extra heading needs to be added in--assuming you want all the heading markers all in a row and not randomly placed anywhere in the code as they are added. The code has to be updated everywhere if it's an all-in-one code. Nothing that can't be overcome, but I've always found it a lot easier if the headings are a separate list--simply create a new heading level (e.g. Heading6), add another <n> before the last <n+>, and done.

Also, sometimes I only want users to use the editing features--catalogs, spell checker, find/change, user variables, etc.--and stay away from the reference pages, master pages, and the various designers. 

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